Swordfish Loin in Olive Oil
Exquisite swordfish loins. Open and ready to eat. You can enjoy an exceptional unique delicatessen in the market with a single movement.
Swordfish contains beneficial health properties, such as: the high concentration of Omega3 fat acids and proteins, among others.
Características // Characteristics
Peso neto // Net weigh: 196 g
Peso escrurrido // Drained weight: 127 g
Especie // Species
Pez Espada (Xiphhias gladius) // Swordfish (Xipphias gladius)
Ingredientes // Ingredients
Pez Espada, aceite de oliva y sal // Swordfish, olive oil and salt
Época de captura // Capture time
Todo el año (Zonas Fao 27, 34, 47, 51, 58 y 87) // All year (Fao Areas 27, 34, 47, 51, 58 y 87)
Información Nutricional (por 100g. escurrido) //
Nutricional Information (per 100g drained)
Valor energético (Energy) 112 kcal / 468 kj
Grasas (Fats) 4,80 g
De las cuales Saturadas (Of which Saturates) 1,10 g
Hidratos de Carbono (Carbohydrates) 0,69 g
Fibra alimentaria (Fiber) <0,10 g
Proteínas (Proteins) 16,70 g
Sal (Salt) 0,24 g
Fibra (Fiber) <0,10 g